Issue Position: Transportation and Infrastructure

Issue Position

When Connecticut invests in our roads, bridges, rail and buses, it is investing in the economy and job growth. We need to not only rebuild our existing infrastructure, but envision transportation for the next generation that focuses on transit-oriented development to attract millennials to our cities. We need to rebuild our transportation network so people have an efficient means to get to work and businesses can grow. In order to meet our transportation infrastructure needs and have out-of-state drivers help pay for our roads.

I agree with the Commission on Fiscal Stability and Economic Growth that the implementation of highway tolls as a means of developing a revenue stream is an "inevitability" for our state. While no one likes to pay tolls, Connecticut is the only state on the Eastern Seaboard that doesn't charge for the use of its roads. Out of state drivers, as well as trucks and commercial vehicles carrying commercial freight that wear heavily on our highways have been getting a free ride. We should reduce taxes or provide a credit to Connecticut residents to offset the impact of new tolls.

I support the concept of a transportation lock box to provide Connecticut taxpayers with assurance that additional revenue will only be used for the promised purpose.

We should also look at establishing a CT Infrastructure Bank, a concept that has been used with success in other states, to help fund public infrastructure projects.
